California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Sweeping Climate Measures into Law

On September 16, 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed comprehensive legislation to drastically cut pollution, bolster community health and resilience, and catalyze the transition to reliable, clean, renewable energy in the Golden State. The new legislative package complements the record $54 billion climate budget that focuses on equity and economic opportunities, establishing new measures to protect communities from fossil fuel drilling as well as measures to achieve 90% clean energy by 2035 and carbon neutrality by no later than 2045.

Over the next 20 years, the California Climate Commitment will:

  • Cut air pollution by 60%
  • Reduce state oil consumption by 91%
  • Cut fossil fuel use in both transportation and buildings by 92%
  • Cut refinery pollution by 94%
  • Create over 4 million new jobs
  • Save California $23 billion through pollution avoidance

Governor Newsom stated “[September] has been a wake-up call for all of us that later is too late to act on climate change. California isn’t waiting any more. Together with the Legislature, California is taking the most aggressive action on climate our nation has ever seen.”

Read Governor Newsom’s statement on the California Climate Commitment

Read the California Climate Commitment Factsheet

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