Register for the 2022 Greenbuild International Conference + Expo (November 1-3)

Mark your calendars for the 2022 Greenbuild International Conference + Expo!

2022 Greenbuild International Conference + Expo Registration Ad

Greenbuild hosts the largest annual event for green building professionals worldwide, where attendees learn and source solutions to improve resilience, sustainability, and quality of life in our buildings, cities, and communities. This year’s conference will take place from November 1-3 in San Francisco and will feature a session with members of the EcoBlock team:

Oakland EcoBlock: So Much More Than a Microgrid! (November 3, 4-5:30 PM PT)


  • Therese Peffer – EcoBlock Principal Investigator; Associate Director, California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), CITRIS & the Banatao Institute, UC Berkeley
  • Vivian Santana – Urban Farmer and Garden Manager, Alemany Farm
  • Andrea Traber – EcoBlock Energy Team Co-Lead; Senior Principal, Integral Group
  • Susi Marzuola – EcoBlock Design/Construction Team Co-Lead; Principal, Siegel & Strain Architects

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Getting Off Gas, Block by Block

Despite its complexities, block-level decommissioning is likely more effective than an individual, house-by-house approach, offering untapped economies of scale that can be replicated across California. Dr. Therese Peffer provides insight into the challenges of pruning gas at the neighborhood block scale and its implications for the Oakland EcoBlock project.

Guest Talk by Benjamin Jones: How Harmful is Indoor Air? (July 31)

Curious about the effects of indoor air on human health and well-being? UC Berkeley’s Center for the Built Environment will host a guest talk by Professor Benjamin Jones from the University of Nottingham on July 31 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm PT. This is a hybrid in-person and online event.