Related Organizations

Related Projects

Advanced Energy Communities

EcoBlock is one of four Advanced Energy Communities funded by the California Energy Commission under EPC-18-013. For information on the other Advanced Energy Communities in the same cohort:

Redwood Coast Airport Microgrid

A project led by Schatz Research Center at Humboldt State to build a 7-acre, 2.25 MW solar array and battery energy storage system at the California Redwood Coast – Humboldt County Airport (ACV).

Resources and Hubs

Electrify Now

A volunteer organization that provides good educational material on electrification and clean energy.

NorCal Resilience Network

A grassroots coalition that activates and supports community-based, nature-inspired solutions to climate change, economic instability, and social inequity in Northern California.

Neighborhood Empowerment Network (NEN)

A cohort of San Francisco leaders, community organizations, city agencies, private sector stakeholders, academic and philanthropic institutions that align their expertise, programs, and resources to empower communities to advance their resilience goals.

Redwood Energy

Zero net energy specialists in multifamily housing that provides a wide array of services for residential and multifamily housing value engineering.